Two years ago I started learning memory verses as a part of the Memory Verse Team that Beth Moore started on her blog. It has been an amazing way to hear God speak to me through His Word. I decided to ask my friends and family if they will join me in learning new verses this year. On the 1st and 15th of each month we will learn a new verse. I have found that telling my friends about my memory verses is a way to help me keep my commitment to learn a new verse every two weeks. Please share your verse with us by commenting on this blog.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Memory Verse Challenge

Two years ago I started learning memory verses as a part of the Memory Verse Team that Beth Moore started on her blog. It has been an amazing way to hear God speak to me through His Word. I decided to ask my friends and family if they will join me in learning new verses this year. On the 1st and 15th of each month we will learn a new verse. I have found that telling my friends about my memory verses is a way to help me keep my commitment to learn a new verse every two weeks.

I will post my verse on the 1st and 15th of each month as a way to get us started. Then anyone who wants to participate by memorizing or maybe just concentrating hard on a new verse can post that verse in a comment. You can choose any verse you want. If you don't have a verse then you may find that you really liked one that someone else chose. You can start off easy by memorizing verses that are familiar to you. I think it will be really interesting for us to see what verses God has put in our hearts.

How to Post a Comment
If you have never used a blog before, it really isn't that hard. If you create a blog you are the owner of the blog. You add to your blog by making a blog post. At the end of the post will be a link that will allow others to comment on your post. So for this blog I will make a post on the 1st and 15th of each month with my verse. All you have to do to post a comment is
  1. Click on word "comments"  at the end of the post
  2. A box will appear for you to type in your comment. In your comment you can just type your verse with the reference and translation or type your verse and add your name and the reason that you selected the verse. 
  3. Under the comment box you will see the words "Comment as:" with a drop down box. From this box you will "Select profile." If you have a Google Account then you can check that option. If you don't then just select "Anonymous".
  4. After you finish, click on "Post Comment" you will get a Word Verification box that will ask you to type the letters that you see in the box. This helps to keep out spam.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to do this starting with the Ten Commandments, which we are currently studying in Sunday School.
