Two years ago I started learning memory verses as a part of the Memory Verse Team that Beth Moore started on her blog. It has been an amazing way to hear God speak to me through His Word. I decided to ask my friends and family if they will join me in learning new verses this year. On the 1st and 15th of each month we will learn a new verse. I have found that telling my friends about my memory verses is a way to help me keep my commitment to learn a new verse every two weeks. Please share your verse with us by commenting on this blog.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tips for Memorizing Verses

Here are some things that I do that have helped me with memorizing verses.

I keep a list of verses that I read in my daily bible readings or hear at church. Then when the 1st or 15th comes around I go back to the list and choose one. I keep my list on my phone but you can keep it on a sheet of paper in your bible.

I write the verse on a card. It helps me to memorize if I actually write it. I also type it in something - my screen saver on my computer or in a word processing document.

I started using index cards but they were too bulking if I wanted to carry them with me. I started using the blank business cards that you can buy for printers. I just break them apart and write on them. Mine fit in a a coin purse that I had. On the front of the card I put
  • the date in the the upper left conner
  • the reference in the center of the card (this way I can cover the reference with my thumb when I am learning the verse
  • a phrase or question, for example on my current verse I put "For the new year and my family"
I write the verse out on the back of the card. 

I say my verse each day as a part of my quiet time. It helps to work on the verse each day. I also found it works better to actually say it out loud.

I look at the verse and divide it into phrases and parts then I learn it by the phrases. So I memorize the first phrase and just read the other phrases over several times. I gradually add each new phrase. 

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